How Can You Reduce your Impact on Global Warming?
For example, being responsible for your own personal waste impacts landfill. The average Brit creates 76kg of plastic waste each year according to re-using plastic bags for shopping avoids it going into landfill, or switching to fabric carrier bags that can be used multilateral ways.
Sometimes we underestimate just how much we need, especially when it comes to clothes. The average clothe is worn seven times before discarding, according to a 2015 study by the British charity Barnardo’s. Clothe manufacturers and fast fashion lead to the desire to buy new clothes to replace perfectly conditioned ones. Next time you feel the need to go on a shopping spree take a moment to pause and think of how many clothes you already have and could wear. This small act ensures a sense of self-accountability and rewarding feeling of contributing to tackling the climate obstacle.
Please remember the lack of care towards global-warming damages the world for future generations, small consistent changes can produce mass changes.
Written by– Maryam Razmy