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Parents back Bartlett principal, raise concerns about school program and district support

Parents at Centennial Elementary School in Bartlett are urging Elgin Area Unit District 46 school board members to bring their principal back.

Last month, Matthew Palcer was placed on administrative leave, effective Oct. 28. In a brief statement last month, U-46 officials said Bill Doran, a retired principal from Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300, would provide “additional support at Centennial until further notice.”

District officials have not indicated why Palcer, who has been the principal for more than three years, was placed on leave or how long he will remain on leave.

Several parents attended Monday’s school board meeting asking that Palcer be reinstated. Some parents shared stories of how Palcer had helped their children.

“My family has had nothing but positive experiences with Mr. Palcer,” parent Brandon Massey said. “He has created a very positive environment where teachers and staff are respected.”

Several parents referenced concerns with the school’s Instructional Learning Program, which is a self-contained program serving students with autism or other similar needs. The program is offered at several “cluster sites” around the district, according to the district’s website.

Stephanie Beer, a teacher in the program at Centennial, noted classroom sizes for the ILP program at Centennial have grown from six to eight students to 10 to 13 students. But the district has not hired additional staff for the program, she said.

Beer said students in the program have been hit in the head repeatedly with metal water bottles, bit in the face, and hit or scratched by other students. Two staff members also have been treated for serious injuries, she said.

“Every staff member who works with our ILP program goes home with scratches, bruises and hits and maybe even bite marks on a daily basis,” she said.

“We’re experiencing serious safety concerns and students are suffering from the decision to increase class sizes,” she added.

Another parent noted the school secretary was taken by ambulance for injuries the same week Palcer was placed on leave.

“It has raised a lot of concern centered around the lack of support regarding the ILP program,” parent Carla Wood said of recent events at the school. “It does not go unnoticed by students that there are fire alarms being pulled, there are soft lockdowns and there are hallways being cleared.

“It also does not go unnoticed that this administration at Centennial has been reaching out for help,” she added, urging board members to take note of the “overwhelming” support parents and staff have for Palcer.

District officials and school board members did not respond to comments from staff and parents at Monday’s meeting. In an email Monday, district officials declined to respond to questions, including whether or not Centennial administrators have requested additional help, citing personnel and student matters.

“School District U-46 is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all our students, in all our classrooms and buildings,” the district said in an email.

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