Plans to build bungalow in County Durham village approved
The bungalow and detached garage, for which Durham County Council granted outline planning permission on Wednesday (October 30), will be constructed on an unused site that was once part of the old terraced housing known as Cross Rows.
The site of the development has been vacant for decades.
The bungalow is designed to include a room for a specialist carer to provide medical care for the applicant’s son, which the current living arrangements cannot accommodate.
Designs aim to have minimal visual impact by limiting the structure’s height, aligning with local development patterns.
The council’s conditions for the development include securing reserved matters such as access and landscaping, compliance with approved plans and use of specific materials.
Other requirements include a contamination risk assessment, drainage plans, and measures to minimise greenhouse emissions, such as the use of renewable energy options.
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Although biodiversity net gain is not required under statutory exemptions, compliance with conditions like bin storage, broadband, and electric vehicle charging points is mandatory before occupation.
Public feedback on the proposal included four supportive comments, highlighting benefits like improved aesthetics and reduced fly-tipping.
The site, which has been overgrown and vacant, lacks recreational or ecological value and is close to village facilities.
No objections were raised during internal consultations, but advice was given on landscaping and tree protection measures.
Details of the layout, appearance, and landscaping will be provided later.