Plans to convert barn into holiday home in County Durham approved
The proposal, submitted by Metcalfe and represented by agent Mr Andrew Darby of Lichfields, seeks to convert a derelict agricultural barn into a two-bedroom holiday accommodation.
The site, near Wycliffe, features a traditional stone building with a brick extension.
Currently not in use, the barn will undergo minor external modifications, including the installation of timber windows and doors, and a pantile roof, while retaining its existing stone walls for a harmonious blend with the surrounding countryside landscape.
The site is located southwest of Ovington in open countryside and is designated as an Area of Higher Landscape Value.
In line with policies in the County Durham Plan (CDP) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the proposal supports visitor accommodations and sustainable rural tourism spaces.
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The plan also includes a landscaping scheme with hedgerow screening around the two provided parking spaces and a dedicated waste storage area.
Foul sewage will be managed via a septic tank, and a pre-construction survey for barn owls will be conducted as part of the ecology requirements.
The proposal, which aligns with policy and has faced no objections from the Highways and Natural England, will not impact local amenities, ecology, or the landscape negatively, according to the assessment.
Approval has been granted with conditions that include a restriction to holiday let use only, approval of construction materials before commencement, and adherence to the approved Nutrient Mitigation Plan, which involves converting 0.28 hectares of cereals to woodland.
The proposal is exempt from the mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain requirements due to its submission before the relevant cut-off date.
Durham County Council approved the change of use and conversion of the agricultural barn to a holiday let at Barns South of The Lodge, Wycliffe Hall, Wycliffe, on November 13.
The development must commence within three years.